As we approach September, the Mexican community in the United States gears up to celebrate one of the most important cultural and historical events of the year—Fiestas Patrias. This festive season, primarily centered around Mexican Independence Day on September 16, marks an opportune time for businesses to acknowledge, support, and respect the vibrant Mexican culture that contributes significantly to the social and economic fabric of the United States.

What Are Fiestas Patrias?

Fiestas Patrias, meaning “Patriotic Festivals,” refers to the various public holidays in Mexico that celebrate key moments in the country’s history. The most significant among them is Mexican Independence Day, which falls on September 16 each year, celebrating Mexico’s independence from Spain in 1810. The evening of September 15 kicks off the celebrations with the Grito de Dolores, a reenactment of the revolutionary call by Father Miguel Hidalgo that signaled the beginning of the Mexican War of Independence.

These celebrations are particularly important for the large Mexican and Mexican-American population in the United States. According to Pew Research, there are over 36 million people of Mexican origin living in the U.S., making them one of the largest Hispanic groups in the country. Given this substantial presence, Fiestas Patrias offers an opportunity for businesses to engage with and show their support for this vital community.

Why Should Businesses Care About Fiestas Patrias?

In today’s diverse marketplace, businesses that take the time to engage with and show respect for cultural celebrations build a positive brand image. Acknowledging cultural events such as Fiestas Patrias is not only a sign of respect but also an effective way for brands to connect with the Mexican community on a deeper level.

Building Trust and Loyalty

Supporting Fiestas Patrias sends a message of inclusion and respect for cultural heritage. When businesses acknowledge the cultural values and traditions of their customers, they build trust and foster loyalty. By celebrating Fiestas Patrias, companies can show that they value their Mexican and Hispanic customers, which can lead to stronger, long-term relationships.

Increasing Brand Visibility

Fiestas Patrias events often draw large crowds, especially in areas with significant Mexican-American populations. Businesses participating in or sponsoring local celebrations increase their brand visibility among a key demographic. These events offer an excellent platform for businesses to promote their products or services in a way that aligns with the cultural values of the community.

Enhancing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

In an era where corporate social responsibility plays a major role in consumer decision-making, businesses that engage with cultural celebrations demonstrate a commitment to inclusivity. Supporting Fiestas Patrias, whether through charitable donations, community events, or marketing campaigns, can enhance a company’s CSR profile.

Economic Impact

The Mexican community represents a significant portion of the U.S. consumer base. According to the Selig Center for Economic Growth, Hispanic buying power in the U.S. reached $1.9 trillion in 2021, with Mexican Americans being the largest contributors. Businesses can tap into this economically powerful demographic by aligning marketing efforts with Fiestas Patrias.

How Businesses Can Show Support for Fiestas Patrias

Now that we’ve established why businesses should care about Fiestas Patrias, let’s explore how they can meaningfully engage with the holiday and the Mexican community in the U.S.

  • Culturally Relevant Marketing Campaigns: Create marketing campaigns that respect and celebrate Mexican culture. This could include social media posts, advertisements, and content that highlights the significance of Fiestas Patrias.
  • Offer Promotions or Special Products: Businesses can offer promotions or special products in honor of Fiestas Patrias. For instance, restaurants can create special Mexican-themed menus.
  • Sponsor or Participate in Local Events: Many cities across the U.S. host Fiestas Patrias parades, festivals, and community events. Businesses can sponsor these events or set up booths.
  • Support Mexican-Owned Businesses: Partner with or promote Mexican-owned businesses, strengthening community ties and showing genuine support.
  • Charitable Contributions: Make charitable contributions to causes that support the Mexican-American community.
  • Inclusive Workplace Celebrations: Organize internal celebrations of Fiestas Patrias within your business to recognize cultural holidays and boost employee morale.

Marketing Do’s and Don’ts for Fiestas Patrias

While there are many ways businesses can engage with Fiestas Patrias, it’s important to approach it thoughtfully and respectfully. Here are some do’s and don’ts for businesses looking to celebrate the holiday:


  • Ensure that any marketing materials are culturally accurate and respectful.
  • Highlight the historical significance of the holiday in your campaigns.
  • Engage with the community by participating in local events or supporting local initiatives.
  • Collaborate with Mexican influencers or businesses to create authentic content.


  • Avoid cultural appropriation or superficial representations of Mexican culture.
  • Do not reduce Fiestas Patrias to merely a marketing gimmick without understanding its importance.
  • Avoid stereotypes in advertising or promotional materials.

Conclusion: A Time to Celebrate and Support

Fiestas Patrias is more than just a holiday; it’s a time for the Mexican community to celebrate its history, culture, and contributions to society. For businesses, it presents a unique opportunity to engage with a key demographic and demonstrate respect for cultural traditions. By participating in and showing support for Fiestas Patrias, businesses can build lasting relationships with the Mexican community, enhance brand loyalty, and contribute to a more inclusive marketplace.

Source: Fiestas Patrias – Wikipedia