Hispanic Population Growth in the Southeastern United States: Implications for Business Marketing Budgets

The Southeastern United States has experienced significant growth in its Hispanic population over the past few decades. This demographic shift presents both opportunities and challenges for businesses looking to engage with this vibrant and expanding market. In this blog post, we will explore the trends in Hispanic population growth in the Southeast and discuss why businesses should consider this population in their marketing strategies and budgets.

Demographic Trends in the Southeast

The Hispanic population in the Southeastern United States has seen remarkable growth. From 2000 to 2010, the Hispanic population in the region grew by more than 2.3 million, a nearly 70 percent increase[source]. This trend has continued in recent years, with states like Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee seeing particularly rapid increases. For example, Georgia’s Hispanic population nearly doubled to more than 850,000, making it the tenth-largest state by Hispanic population.

The growth in the Hispanic population is driven by several factors, including higher birth rates and younger median ages compared to the overall population. As of 2014, the median age for Hispanics was 28, compared to 38 for the total U.S. population[source]. This younger demographic is not only expanding the labor force but also driving demand for housing, goods, and services.

Economic Contributions and Challenges

Hispanics have become a crucial part of the Southeastern economy. They fill vital roles in various industries, including construction, agriculture, and manufacturing. According to the Pew Research Center, the region’s economic growth and housing boom prior to the Great Recession attracted many Hispanic immigrants seeking employment opportunities[source].

However, Hispanics in the Southeast often face socioeconomic challenges. Educational attainment and household income levels for Hispanics lag behind those of the overall population. Hispanic workers are also underrepresented in managerial and professional roles. Addressing these disparities is essential for the long-term economic integration and prosperity of the Hispanic community.

Marketing to the Hispanic Population

Given the significant growth and economic contributions of the Hispanic population, businesses in the Southeastern United States must consider this demographic in their marketing strategies. Here are several reasons why:

  1. Growing Market Size: The Hispanic population in the Southeast is not only large but also growing rapidly. This expanding market represents a substantial opportunity for businesses to increase their customer base and revenue.
  2. Young Demographic: With a median age of 28, the Hispanic population is relatively young. This age group is more likely to be in the workforce, starting families, and purchasing homes, making them an attractive target for a wide range of products and services.
  3. Cultural Influence: Hispanics bring rich cultural traditions and preferences that can influence consumer behavior. Businesses that understand and respect these cultural nuances are more likely to build strong, loyal relationships with Hispanic customers.
  4. Economic Impact: Hispanics are significant contributors to the economy, not just as workers but also as consumers. Their spending power is considerable, and businesses that effectively cater to their needs can tap into this economic potential.

Effective Marketing Strategies

To successfully reach the Hispanic market, businesses should consider the following strategies:

  1. Language and Communication: While many Hispanics in the Southeast are bilingual, marketing materials in Spanish can be more effective in reaching this audience. Bilingual advertising can help businesses connect with both Spanish-speaking and English-speaking Hispanics.
  2. Cultural Relevance: Incorporating cultural elements into marketing campaigns can resonate with Hispanic consumers. This can include celebrating Hispanic holidays, featuring Hispanic influencers, and highlighting products that cater to Hispanic tastes and preferences.
  3. Community Engagement: Building relationships within Hispanic communities can enhance brand loyalty. Sponsoring local events, partnering with Hispanic organizations, and supporting community initiatives can demonstrate a business’s commitment to the Hispanic population.
  4. Digital Marketing: Hispanics are active users of digital media, making online advertising and social media campaigns essential. Businesses should leverage digital platforms to reach Hispanic consumers where they spend their time online.
  5. Family-Oriented Marketing: Family is a central value in Hispanic culture. Marketing campaigns that emphasize family togetherness, support, and activities can be particularly effective in appealing to Hispanic consumers.

Case Study: Successful Hispanic Marketing Campaign

One example of a successful Hispanic marketing campaign is Plaza Mariachi in Nashville, Tennessee. Plaza Mariachi is a cultural and entertainment complex that targets the Hispanic community with a variety of events, shops, and dining options that celebrate Hispanic culture. By understanding and catering to the cultural preferences of the Hispanic population, Plaza Mariachi has become a popular destination and a model for businesses looking to engage with this market.


The Hispanic population in the Southeastern United States is a dynamic and growing demographic that offers significant opportunities for businesses. By understanding the trends in population growth and the unique characteristics of the Hispanic market, businesses can develop effective marketing strategies that resonate with Hispanic consumers. Investing in marketing to this population is not only a smart business move but also a way to contribute to the economic and cultural vibrancy of the Southeast.

For more detailed information on the growth of the Hispanic population in the Southeastern United States, you can visit the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s article on the topic here.

By recognizing and responding to the needs and preferences of the Hispanic community, businesses can not only expand their customer base but also foster inclusive growth and development in the region.

Let the experts at Hispanic Media Consultants guide your marketing efforts to this growing demographic!