The Hispanic population in the United States is a diverse group of people from a variety of countries and backgrounds. This diversity is reflected in their tastes in music and entertainment. Marketers who hope to reach this audience need to be aware of the different nationalities that make up the Hispanic population and their unique cultural preferences.

The Hispanic Population in the United States

The Hispanic population in the United States is the second-largest racial or ethnic group, after whites. In 2020, there were 62.5 million Hispanics living in the United States. This number is expected to grow to 111 million by 2060.

The Hispanic population is also very young. The median age of Hispanics in the United States is 28.7 years old, compared to 38.1 years old for the general population. This means that Hispanics are a growing source of young consumers.

The Hispanic population is also well-educated. The high school graduation rate for Hispanics is 88%, and the college graduation rate for Hispanics is 25%. This means that Hispanics are a growing source of educated consumers.

The Different Nationalities That Make Up the Hispanic Population in the United States

The largest Hispanic nationality group in the United States is Mexican. In 2020, there were 37 million Mexicans living in the United States. Other major Hispanic nationality groups include Puerto Ricans (5.5 million), Cubans (2.3 million), and Salvadorans (1.7 million).

Each Hispanic nationality group has its own unique culture and traditions. These cultural differences are reflected in their tastes in music and entertainment.

Mexican Americans

Mexican Americans are the largest Hispanic nationality group in the United States. They are also the most diverse Hispanic nationality group. Mexican Americans come from a variety of regions in Mexico, and they have a variety of cultural influences.

Mexican Americans are known for their love of music and dance. Popular Mexican music genres include banda, mariachi, and norteño. Mexican Americans also enjoy watching Mexican movies and TV shows.

Puerto Ricans

Puerto Ricans are the second-largest Hispanic nationality group in the United States. Puerto Rico is a US territory, so Puerto Ricans are US citizens. Puerto Ricans have a strong sense of cultural identity.

Puerto Ricans are known for their love of music and dance. Popular Puerto Rican music genres include reggaeton, salsa, and merengue. Puerto Ricans also enjoy watching Puerto Rican movies and TV shows.


Cubans are the third-largest Hispanic nationality group in the United States. Cubans are known for their strong sense of family and community. They are also known for their love of music and dance.

Popular Cuban music genres include salsa, cha-cha-chá, and rumba. Cubans also enjoy watching Cuban movies and TV shows.


Salvadorans are the fourth-largest Hispanic nationality group in the United States. Salvadorans are known for their strong work ethic and their love of family. They are also known for their love of music and dance.

Popular Salvadoran music genres include cumbia, bachata, and norteño. Salvadorans also enjoy watching Salvadoran movies and TV shows.

How to Market to the Hispanic Population

Marketers who hope to reach the Hispanic population need to be aware of the different nationalities that make up this group and their unique cultural preferences. Marketers should also be aware of the following tips:

  • Use Spanish. Spanish is the primary language spoken by the Hispanic population. Marketers should use Spanish in their advertising and marketing materials.
  • Use culturally relevant imagery. Marketers should use culturally relevant imagery in their advertising and marketing materials. This will help to connect with Hispanic consumers on a personal level.
  • Partner with Hispanic organizations. Marketers can partner with Hispanic organizations to reach their target audience. Hispanic organizations can provide marketers with access to their members and with information about their cultural preferences.
  • Use social media. Social media is a great way to reach the Hispanic population. Hispanic consumers are more likely to use social media than the general population. Marketers can use social media to share their content with Hispanic consumers and to engage with them in conversation.


The Hispanic population in the United States is a diverse group of people from a variety of countries and backgrounds. Marketers who hope to reach this audience need to be aware of the different nationalities that make up the Hispanic population and their unique cultural preferences.